A double-header, biscuit round-up, and Naxalites. This week has something for everyone.
If you want to help the unfolding COVID crisis in India, here are some suggestions:
Tribal Connect: https://www.facebook.com/Tribal-Connect-109831657511643
India Development and Relief Fund: https://www.idrf.org/get-involved/make-a-gift/
Direct Relief: https://secure.directrelief.org/site/Donation2?df_id=2924&mfc_pref=T&2924.donation=form1
Ayelet and Pramit sit down to discuss Charulata, probably our favorite movie so far. We take in wallpapers, politics, Hollywood glamour, the Bengal Renaissance,...
Just in time for SXSW, we sit down to discuss the intersection of music, class and art. In addition, Pramit explores alternative spellings, Ayelet...
We're BAAACK! After much delay, we're finally back with season 2 of Calcutta Arthouse. This season, we move from the tropic heat of West...