In today's episode, Ayelet and Pramit welcome a new director to Calcutta Arthouse, and despite not having a new buiscuit to report, we do discuss hipster glassess, the Uselessness of Man, and showboating in a saree. And also TB, because there is always a sting in the public health tail.
In today's episode, we discuss The Big City, get both feisty and political, plus a double biscuit feature! In a particularly irreverant departure, Ayelet...
Overcoming many technical obstacles, Ayelet and Pramit start out frivolously discussing casting options (Aishwarya Rai v. Liam Hemsworth), and conclude seriously by talking about...
A double-header, biscuit round-up, and Naxalites. This week has something for everyone. If you want to help the unfolding COVID crisis in India, here...